
The Year of Intentional Living, Part 2

I make few assumptions about you. You, as passersby of this blog, don’t have a predetermined image in my head. So when I write of my goals for 2015, understand that I am simply oversharing a piece of my life. I have absolutely zero fantasies, desires, or aims to push off my goals onto you.

My theme for 2015 – The Year of Intentional Living – focuses on multiple facets of my life, the life I intend to have. My areas of intentional living are based on my life where it exists today. I didn’t look to a book or blog to see where my focus should be. I looked to the life I already have. I examined that life. I looked at my many flaws and all the things I do that set me away from the path I desire.

Then I broke my life into those chunks that I want to foster. My chunks of life might be similar to yours but only by coincidence. I’ll not hold you to my chunks of life and I’ll not be held to yours. And that’s okay. We could be different in a gajillion ways, in everything from personal demons to family of origin differences, from religion to age to what we’ve already learned to what we have left to learn.

We embrace one another’s differences by acknowledging that differences are not the enemy. Consider yourself embraced.

Here is a streamlined breakdown of my theme that I developed in November and December:

Theme: The Year of Intentional Living. This time next year I will be the person I intended daily to be.

Purpose: In 2015 I will live with intention. I will act intentionally to strengthen my everyday commitments to my God, marriage, parenting, body/mind health, career, resources, and socialization.


  1. My God
  2. My Marriage

  3. My Parenting

  4. Myself

  5. My Career

  6. My Resources

  7. My Socialization

For each of these areas, I have set goals that can be measured and planned and executed. Each goal has a set of actions intended to achieve the goals.

As you can see, these are areas that matter to me. Now. Once upon a time I had no marriage to include on a list like this one. I had no children. I had no career. But I had other things, other concerns, other areas of growth and development. They were important and I was invested in them, as I am in these areas now.

In the next seven posts, I’ll go into further detail for each category’s goals, necessary actions, and reviews. If you share one or more of these categories, perhaps you and I can encourage one another in our separate goals. If you are wholly different, perhaps you and I can encourage one another in our separate goals. I mean, I’ll be oversharing, and who wants to do that alone?

Welcome to 2015, however you 2015.

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