
Somewhere in Time My Teenage Self is Preparing to Expose This to Her World

Oh, yes, my ‘somewhere in time’ teenage self is remarkably cynical.


Somewhere in Time My Teenage Self is Preparing to Expose This to Her World

  • Originally posted on a 6s community, February 8, 2011 at 9:42am

People will tell you high school ends, and what they mean to say is: you only have to survive a little while. People are wrong.

You know “a rose by any other name” and all the other clichés from your AP lit class, yeah, I’m pretty sure Shakespeare would approve of mutating that overused expression into “high school by any other name.”

The props change; the people don’t, or maybe they do but just to swap roles with other people. Maybe even you change costumes, props, lines, but do you change who you are?

Look around and think back to freshman biology, notice your Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, and remember that everybody’s lunch for somebody in this ridiculous food chain called life.

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