
I am Analog

Ah, dear. One computer passed into oblivion. It was neither the best of times nor the worst of times.


I Am Analog (more of a bulletin than a blog, and apologies for so many posts)

  • Originally posted on a 6s community, May 12, 2011 at 8:25pm


I threw my computer into a blazing bonfire today, or I might as well have. It is dearly departed, and I’m writing you now from the college where I’m awaiting a few more final exams and papers from students. Shortly, I will go home and live an analog life, I suppose, like the one I’ve been preaching in my fiction if nowhere else. I could use my grandfather’s typewriter but for the missing ribbon and G. Ah, well, that which does not kill us makes us more humble at the very least. I hope you are all fine, and maybe we’ll pass one another on the street sometime soon.

Oh, Happy, Happy Thursday,

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