Amanda Salisbury

Fiction, Life, Opinion, Art, Non-fiction

The Gift

Have you ever received a gift but it came in a form you never expected (or thought you wanted) and you had trouble accepting it? Just me?

Well, I did recently receive a gift. I’ve come to understand the gift was what I wanted but it came in an unusual form that I thought I didn’t want. I was initially quick to complain that I couldn’t have what I wanted. It took me some time to see the gift for what it is: a gift.

Whatever its form, wherever its origin, it remains a gift. Merriam Webster defines gift as something voluntarily transferred by one person to another without compensation. A transfer is a conveyance of right, title, or interest. It amounts to this: once conveyed, the gift was mine to do with as I will.

After first receiving the gift, it was so different in form from what my mind had cast forward that I didn’t recognize it as the thing I wanted. I couldn’t accept that it was the thing I had hoped for and longed for. Its shape was all wrong, I thought. The dimensions were entirely off. It didn’t even look like I thought it would. It couldn’t possibly be the thing I had carefully crafted in my mind.

The thing is, I could pretty easily discard the gift. I could pretty easily renounce it as useless. I could pretty easily let it go. Forget it.

Or I could not. I could embrace the gift. I could assign its purpose. I could hold on tight and let the gift just be. And remember it.

I could learn how new dimensions fit the grander vision the gift fits into. I could cast a new vision incorporating this new shape.

Like so many things in life, it’s a matter of perspective. And perspective is at least as much a matter of choice as it is a matter of circumstance.

What was the gift? It only really matters to me. No answer I write here would be truly satisfying to anyone else. But you probably have received a gift like this at some point, or will. A gift you thought might be pointless. A gift that you were quick to write off. A gift that, to be utilized, required you to recast your vision.

It’s a matter of perspective. A matter of choice. What will you do with the gift?

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Writer. Lawyer. Relative. Friend.

Curious. Detailed. Occasionally funny.


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