Amanda Salisbury

Fiction, Life, Opinion, Art, Non-fiction

Lives and Lies

This one arose from a typo. Mostly.


Lives and Lies

  • Originally posted on a 6s community, September 20, 2010 at 10:45am

The difference: one little consonant, “v”; that is all that separates you as I know you from the you everyone else sees.

They see you as a vessel, but you are much too full of yourself.

They think you imbue veneration, but I know it is venenation clothed in a falsely sweet libation.

They wonder at your valiance, but I marvel at your vanity.

They consider you a vetted friend when you regard them as vassals.

And yet, when your life becomes a vacuum, void of everything, lives will go on, but you will be left lying on a bed of lies, for such is the power of one little consonant.

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