Amanda Salisbury

Fiction, Life, Opinion, Art, Non-fiction

A God Unto Himself

My life has been charmed, surely.


A God Unto Himself

  • Originally posted on a 6s community, August 23, 2010 at 10:30am

The sailboats tossed about, careening dangerously as little men tumbled into a vast sea. The god of it all was laughing and watching without a trace of horror or a semblance of remorse. As one ship righted itself, the god grew angry at its effort and shook the thing to its core.

Then a voice, gentle and suggestive like a mother, sang in the god’s ears: “You can save the men; you can save them all, and make things right again.” The air quieted as the god considered the words, then he picked up the men with the slightest pinch of thumb to forefinger and replaced them in their vessels, and the sea was calm at last.

As the boy jumped off the child’s desk and ran off to play, his mother smiled wryly to no one and wondered that she had saved the sailboat mobile for another day.

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