

This was a love letter to Middling, a bright five-year-old boy with endless life.



  • Originally posted on a 6s community, June 21, 2011 at 2:24pm

Dewdrops illuminate each blade of grass, and somewhere a motor hums. He walks the balance beam curb, jumping down to the storm drain grate to prove his courage, leaping over cracks that design the road in some elaborate labyrinth, scraping and tapping and waving the two-foot stick to the tune born in his mind.

He waves a hand to neighbors, to gods, to life. When he catches sight of my face he smiles right through me, and I again wonder if he sees me at all. His mind knows only freedom; his heart knows only love; his eyes see only truth.

And I stride along considering how I might write these things on my heart, how I should bottle him and label it “Oxygen,” how I will miss each step and every patient glance into a world he will eventually walk into with legs strong for climbing, arms strong for helping, and spirit strong forever.

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