Amanda Salisbury

Fiction, Life, Opinion, Art, Non-fiction

Becky’s the Shredder

This free-write story has been on my mind lately. Actually, the title has been. I’m not sure what prompted this to play on repeat in my brain, but now maybe it will catch you and leave me alone.

Oh, and please don’t be a shredder.


Becky’s the Shredder

  • Originally posted on the 6s community June 10, 2011 at 3:44pm

Becky pulls everything apart – everything: straw wrappers and blades of grass and important papers and life generally. She’s totally obsessed with ripping stuff, and she rips when she’s happy or sad or broke or bored or loaded, it don’t really matter. I thought when she went to college it would stop; I just knew when she settled into a career she’d never rip up anything important enough to get her fired; and when she got pregnant – oooweee, I actually made myself believe she’d started putting things back together as some sort of pastime. But ‘together’ ain’t her nature, you know, some people have to fly, some people need to hate, and some people just gotta tear crap apart, and that’s Becky.

Bobby, though, he’s like a high school project, unfinished and rough around the edges, and he couldn’t take it anymore; see, he needed some glue not some kind of shred-crazy disaster. So, yeah, I sleep fine at night, not losing a wink over being his glue when she don’t give second thought to being his shredder.

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Writer. Lawyer. Relative. Friend.

Curious. Detailed. Occasionally funny.


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